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Friday 25 November 2016

Sartaj Aziz briefs heads of P5 Missions on India's

Sartaj Aziz briefs heads of P5 Missions on India's unprovoked firing on LoC, Working Boundary

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk)  - The Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sartaj Aziz briefed the heads of Missions of the permanent members (China., France, Russian Federation, UK and USA) of the UN Security Council on Friday afternoon regarding the continued unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian occupation forces at the Line of Control (LoC) and the Working Boundary (WB).

The Adviser strongly condemned the reprehensible attack on the civilian bus in the Neelum Valley on 23 November 2016, in complete violation of the 2003 Ceasefire Understanding and international law, especially the international humanitarian law. The Indian occupation forces also fired upon the ambulances that had come to rescue the injured people from the site of the attack. The deliberate targeting of civilian populated areas is condemnable and deplorable and must be investigated.

He referred to persistent ceasefire violations by India, especially during the last two months, resulting in the loss of more than 45 innocent civilian lives and injuries to more than 139 others at the LoC and WB in an effort to divert international attention from the continuing human rights violations in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK). He stated that the Indian belligerence is a threat to the regional peace and security and can lead to a strategic miscalculation, which would be disastrous for the region.

Sartaj Aziz has also addressed letters to the Foreign Ministers of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, on the escalation at the LoC and Indian ceasefire violations. Copies of these letters were also handed over to the heads of Missions.

The Adviser once again called upon the permanent members of the UN Security Council to play their crucial role in maintaining global peace and security and urge India to immediately put an end to the escalation and bloodshed at the LoC. 


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