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Tuesday 24 January 2017

Heavy rain, snowfall forecast in major parts of country

SWAT / ISLAMABAD (AwesomePakistan.Net): The top agency for disaster management issued a weather advisory and alerts on Tuesday after weather officials forecast high intensity rain and snowfall in major parts of the country within the next 24 hours.

“It is expected that from Tuesday onwards there will be an increase in the intensity of rainfall and snowfall in major parts of the country which will continue till Thursday,” said the PMD Director General Dr Ghulam Rasul, while talking to The Express Tribune. “There are chances of floods in low-lying areas due to heavy rainfall and landslides due to snowfall over hilly areas. In the coming two days temperature is expected to drop further in northern areas,” he said.

More showers are expected next month and after mid-February spring season will start in Pakistan. He said it was unfortunate Pakistan had a capacity to store only 30 days water in its two major reservoirs no matter how much amount of rain it receives every year.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has advised people to take extra precautionary measures while travelling towards hilly areas. Those living in low-lying areas should move to safer places in order to avoid any untoward situation which may occur due to heavy rain/snowfall, it said.

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The NDMA has requested the Provincial National Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs) to coordinate with vulnerable districts – particularly of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan – for timely preparedness and immediate response.

“All roads leading to snow bound areas should be covered by police check posts to control flow of traffic and ensure commuters travel safety. Traffic to and from Murree, Galiyat, Naran and Kaghan valley must be regulated,” it said.
The NDMA has also asked that all crossing points at seasonal nullahs and hill torrents to be manned by police to stop crossing of vehicles during flash flood.

“People living in slums [kachi abadi] must be sensitised to shift to safe locations to avoid any loss of life due to a roof or wall collapse. Food, medicines and fuel stock to be ensured for far-flung and snow bound areas,” the NDMA advisory said.

The authority also requested Information Ministry to ensure airing of advisories and public service messages through electronic media and the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to ensure that telecommunication services remain intact, especially in snowbound areas.

“Ensure functioning of urban rainwater disposal, sanitation systems along with backup supply and availability of requisite staff,” it advised.

Snowfall on Swat mountains

Heavy rain and snowfall on mountains of Swat further dropped the temperature in the valley. According to an official of the Swat meteorological department, rain coupled with chilly wind which started on late Monday night continued lashing parts of Swat till Tuesday evening.

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“The recent downpour has lashed parts of lower Swat including the main city of Mingora, Saidu Sharif, Matta, Khawaza Khela and Kabal,” the official said, adding that besides downpour, snowfall was also recorded on the mountains of Bahrain and Kalam valley.

The official also said the recent spell of rain and snowfall would continue till Thursday.

Meanwhile, one person was killed and two others were injured due to heavy rains in Quetta on Tuesday.

Several houses were also damaged and power supply remained suspended in various areas of the city. Many areas of Qila Abdullah, Chaman, Zhob and Toba Kakari were cut off from the district headquarters as flash floods washed away the link roads.

Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) issued emergency alert in the province, while Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri directed all concerned departments to immediately send relief goods and food items to the affected areas and shift the people to safer places, if needed.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2017.


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