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Wednesday 11 January 2017

COLD, DRY WEATHER EXPECTED IN MOST PARTS OF COUNTRY Cold, dry weather expected in most parts of country

LAHORE (News92World) – Cold wave intensifies in the country with temperature dropping to freezing point in various cities on Wednesday.

Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad are undergoing chilly weather conditions while freezing water sources were witnessed in Balochistan province.

Cool breeze has made the weather unpleasantly frosty. The minimum temperature in Karachi at night was 10°C whereas in Lahore it reached to 5°C. However; Islamabad and Rawalpindi underwent 0°C.
Snow continue to fall on the mountains attracting a huge number of tourists.

In the next 48 hours, mainly very cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country. Foggy conditions are likely to continue over plain areas of Punjab and upper Sindh during night and morning hours.

Today’s Lowest Minimum Temperatures: 
Kalam -16°C, Astore -12°C, Skardu -11°C, Kalat -09°C, Dir, Gilgit, Gupis -08°C, Quetta, Rawalakot, Bagrote -07°C, Hunza, Malamjabba -06°C, Parachinar, Drosh -05°C, Kakul -04°C, Murree, Chitral -03°C.


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