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Showing posts with label World. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2017

US election hacking: Putin 'sought to help' Trump

 Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, a US intelligence report says.

The unclassified report says the Russian leader "ordered" a campaign aimed at influencing the election.
Moscow has not commented, but Russia has previously denied the claims.
After being briefed on the findings, Mr Trump stopped short of accusing Russia of interfering, saying only that the election outcome was not affected.
Mr Trump later went on to blame "gross negligence" by the Democratic National Committee for "allowing" the hacking to take place.
Following the report's findings, the US Department of Homeland Security announced that voting machines and other election databases would be classified as "critical infrastructure" and given more protection from cyber-attacks.
The 25-page report says that the Kremlin developed a "clear preference" for Mr Trump.
Russia's goals, the document added, were to "undermine public faith" in the US democratic process and "denigrate" his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton, harming her electability and potential presidency.
"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election," it said.
The unclassified version contained no detailed evidence of Mr Putin's alleged role, but it said Russia's actions included:
§  Hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and top Democrats;
§  Using intermediaries such as WikiLeaks, DCLeaks.com and Guccifer 2.0 persona to release the information acquired from the hackings;
§  Using state-funded propaganda and paying social media users or "trolls" to make nasty comments

The report says Mr Putin liked Mr Trump because he had vowed to work with Russia and the Russian leader had had "many positive experiences working with Western political leaders whose business interests made them more disposed to deal with Russia, such as former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder".
In contrast, Mr Putin had blamed Mrs Clinton for inciting anti-government protests in 2011 and early 2012 "and because he holds a grudge for comments he almost certainly saw as disparaging him".
The identities of the Russian agents allegedly directly responsible for the hack are known to US authorities but have not been released publicly, reports say, citing intelligence sources.
The document, a cut-down version of the classified report presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday, was released shortly after intelligence chiefs briefed Mr Trump on their findings.
Since winning the election on 8 November, Mr Trump has repeatedly questioned US intelligence claims of Russian hacking. In a statement after the briefing, the president-elect declined to single out Russia, but said he had "tremendous respect for the work and service done" by those in the US intelligence community.
"While Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organisations including the Democrat National Committee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election," he said.
"Whether it is our government, organisations, associations or businesses we need to aggressively combat and stop cyber-attacks. I will appoint a team to give me a plan within 90 days of taking office."

Carrie Fisher's ashes carried in Prozac-shaped urn

Carrie Fisher has been laid to rest alongside her mother Debbie Reynolds at a private service where her ashes were carried in an urn shaped like a Prozac pill.
The US actress, best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, was frequently open about her experience of mental health issues.
"I felt it was where she would want to be," her brother Todd Fisher said.
Fisher, 60, and Reynolds, 84, died within a day of each other last month.
Following the joint funeral service at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Todd Fisher said the giant pill in the shape of the anti-depressant drug was chosen as the urn for his sister's ashes because it was one of Carrie's "favourite possessions".
"She loved it, and it was in her house, and Billie [Carrie Fisher's daughter] and I felt it was where she would want to be," he said.
He added that Fisher and her mother were now "together, and they will be together here and in heaven".

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Turkey warns Syria talks at risk over truce violations

ANKARA: (News 92 World Report) Turkey on Wednesday warned that planned Syrian peace talks co-sponsored by Russia were at risk, calling on the Damascus regime of President Bashar al-Assad to halt violations of a ceasefire. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Iran, the main backer of Assad along with Russia, must put pressure on allied militias to abide by the truce that is to form the basis for a ceasefire.

If the truce is properly observed, he said the peace talks would start on January 23 in Kazakhstan's capital Astana under the auspices of Turkey and Russia.

"If we do not stop the increasing violations, the Astana process could fail. After the ceasefire, we see violations," Cavusoglu told the state-run Anadolu news agency in an interview.

"When we look at who commits these violations, it is Hezbollah, in particular Shiite groups and the regime," he added, referring to the powerful Lebanese Shiite movement supporting Damascus.

Last month, a process sponsored by regime ally Russia and rebel backer Turkey saw the start of a truce which is meant to lead to negotiations in Astana this month.

But earlier this week, the process was already under threat after a dozen Syrian rebel factions suspended talks on negotiations accusing Assad of violating the four-day-old ceasefire.

Cavusoglu called on Iran to "put pressure on Shiite militias and the regime" to stop such violations.

The deal, brokered by Turkey and Russia, saw a ceasefire begin late December and the "main forces of the armed opposition" sign a document expressing a readiness to start peace talks.

While Moscow is Assad's most powerful ally, Turkey has repeatedly called for Assad to go. But as the countries continue their warming relationship, they have been working together closely on Syria.

Moscow and Ankara are guarantors of the talks and the ceasefire but Tehran, conspicuously, is not.

Cavusoglu also said Russian officials would be coming to Turkey on January 9 and 10 to discuss the Astana process.

More than 310,000 people have been killed and millions forced to flee their homes since the conflict broke out in March 2011.