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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Indian Held Kashmir: Indian army kills another Kashmiri youth

SRINAGAR: (NEW News) – Indian army killed yet another Kashmiri youth on Wednesday in a firing incident. Basit Rasool was a B-Tech student. The news of his martyrdom sparked protests throughout the valley once again, reported NEW News.

The occupying Indian forces killed yet another Kashmiri youth today. Protests broke out throughout the valley as the news of Basit’s martyrdom spread like wild fire. The protesters hoisted Pakistani flag in the valley and raised slogans against India.

The martyr was buried wrapped in Pakistan flag. The funeral prayer was attended by thousands of Kashmiris.

Reacting to the brutal murder, Kashmiri people said that the barbarity of the occupying Indian army in killing Basit had reminded them the martyrdom of Burhan Wani once again.

Declaring premier's statement lie is disgrace to Parliament: Khurshid Shah

ISLAMABAD (NEW News) – Leader of the Opposition and renowned PPP leader Khurshid Shah has expressed that the masses send their selected members to Parliament and that the Parliament is a sacred place.

He expressed this in while addressing the Parliament session where he let it be known that the every word spoken in this parliament has great importance because the parliament draft a constitution and institutions are formed as a result.PPP leader revealed that despite of being blamed for several reasons, our party played a crucial role in saving the sacred parliament.

Khurshid Shah also commented that the PML-N government is losing its popularity at a faster speed.

During the speech in Parliament session, the Speaker forbade Khurshid Shah from speaking on Panama Leaks as according to his opinion, the matter is still in courts.

In response, Khurshid Shah expressed that the Parliament is supreme and is more sacred than Supreme Court.

Leader of the Opposition expressed his grief over PM terming his speech as political and commented that all this means that politics is a lie.

He expressed that calling PM speech as a political stunt is tantamount to disgracing the Parliament.

Khurshid Shah let it be known that the Parliament has been attacked from inside.

Leader of the Opposition professed that the Chief Justice belongs to the country as a whole and that is why he should not be made controversial.

PPP leader expressed that the prime minister is hiding behind the letter of Qatari prince.

He cleared out that despite all the differences, we joined hands with PML-N at each and every occasion.

Lt Gen Rizwan Akhter holds farewell meeting with PM Nawaz

ISLAMABAD (NEW) – Director General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt Gen Rizwan Akhter held a farewell meeting with Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif on Thursday. Lt Gen Rizwan Akhter met the premier in PM House Islamabad. 

Both discussed the internal and external security situation of the country.

Prime Minister admired the services of DG ISI and expressed good wishes for new responsibilities and future.

Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement announced that Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar was appointed as DG ISI.

He will replace Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar who has been posted as President National Defence University (NDU).

Junaid Jamshed's funeral prayer to be offered at Moin Khan Academy today

KARACHI (Express News World) – Preparations for funeral prayer of former singer turned Islamic preacher Junaid Jamshed have been completed at Moin Khan Academy in Karachi. The funeral prayer would be held at 2:00 pm today (Thursday) while his burial will be done at Darul  Uloom in Korangi’s Karachi.

Earlier, Junaid Jamshed’s body was taken to Karachi on C-130 while his funeral prayer was offered at Nur Khan Airbase which was also attended by the air chief of Pakistan. Junaid Jamshed was also given guard of honor at the base. 

On December 7, Junaid Jamshed was martyred in Pakistan Airlines International (PIA) PK-661 flight crash that killed 46 other people as well.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Maleeha Lodhi urges world powers to play their role for peace in S. Asia, Middle East

Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi has called for world powers to put their self-interests aside and play their role in establishing peace in South Asia and Middle East.

In a recent interview, Ambassador Lodhi said extensive international diplomacy is needed to resolve disputes in South Asia and establish peace in the region.

She said Pakistan wants peace in the region and is ready to hold bilateral talks with India to find a solution to the Kashmir dispute.

On the peace and security situation in Afghanistan, Ambassador Lodhi said peace will only be possible in the country if warring groups come together for talks.

The changing politics of Punjab

Punjab, historically lacks in producing leaders of national stature. Often they come from smaller provinces.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto despite being from Sindh emerged as the most prominent leader in Punjab.

Sharif’s entry into politics came to counter the myth of Bhuttos and Pakistan People’s Party. The Sharifs from Punjab became its unopposed rulers. Now, after 30 years a man from Mianwali, Imran Khan has become his biggest challenger in Punjab.

The PPP fighting hard to regain Punjab, is posing as if it is the real opposition to Pakistan Muslim League- Nawaz. From the looks of it, the next election will be quite challenging, as three different parties will battle for Punjab.

Before Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Punjab’s political leadership by and large remained a proxy of the establishment. Stronger leaders came for Bengal, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan—leaders like Khan Abdul Wali Khan, Maulana Mufti Mahmood, Sardar Attaullah Mengal and Mir Ghous Bux Bizenjo.

Pakistan Muslim League, after the death Quaid-e-Azam and Liaquat Ali Khan, divided into different faction as leaders from Punjab, could not counter Bengali leadership of Muslim League like Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy.

What happened between 1948 to 1958, was disaster for Pakistan, and political failures combined with civil-military bureaucracy conspiracy led to the imposition of first Martial Law in 1958, which through One Unit, laid the foundation of what happened in 1971.

When Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah challenged Ayub Khan in the Presidential election, she could only win from Karachi and Dhakka, while Punjab went with Ayub.

Elections in 1970 were a turning point. Bhutto after leaving Ayub's cabinet made PPP the most popular party of Punjab within three years --1967 to 1970. He used nationalistic and anti-India slogans beside 'roti,kapra and makan.'  In the aftermath of break up of Pakistan, Punjab's political importance become the decisive factor in ruling Islamabad. It still is the key factor.

Bhutto’s rule ended with the imposition of Martial Law on July 5, 1977. Zia promised elections in 90-days, without knowing Bhutto is still popular in Sindh and Punjab, which led to election postponement. Later, Bhutto was hanged in a controversial trial and Zia never faced any serious challenge till his deah in a plane crash on August 17, 1988.  

In the post Bhutto era Punjab politics has revolved around Sharifs even when they were not in power. Nawaz Sharif, created history in 2013, when he become the Prime Minister for the third time. While the duo Sharif (Nawaz and Shahbaz) rarely lost Punjab since 1985. Will they be luck this time in the aftermath of 'Panama papers,' and challenger from Mianwali, Imran Khan.

Historically, Punjab remains proxy of the then Zia establishment. Sharif's political career started with Tehreek-e-Istiqlal (TI) which under the leadership of retired Air Marshal Asghar Khan was launched as an alternate to Bhutto and PPP, to make inroads in Punjab.

Zia wanted someone from Punjab, preferably from central Punjab, who could not only counter PPP, but, also emerged as national leader. Zia, knew that even after Bhutto's hanging his widow and daughter could create problems in his future game plan. 

Baray Mian Sahibb, was not interested in politics nor wanted his sons to join politics. But, he was anti-Bhutto, because his factories had been nationalized by him during PPP, government. The issue was exploited by Zia, and a senior PPP leader revealed an interesting story of Nawaz Sharif's entry into politics, first, through establishment and later on his own.                          

An unimpeachable PML-N source disclosed that Mian Nawaz Sharif for the first time was offered  Ministry in Zia's cabinet while he was the finance Secretary of Tehreek-e-Istiqlal. It was late Majeed Nizami, who convinced Mian Sharif to play a role in politics as Punjab lacked political leadership and as a businessman he could become a force against feduals.

"One day Mr Wazir Ali father of Shahnaz Wazir Ali, who was the TI central leader was sitting with Mian Sharif, when Nawaz Sharif entered and told him about the offer. Wazir Ali  advised him not to join him elections are due," the source said, adding that Sharif said, he couldn't see elections in near future.

"Few days later Mian Sahib took oath as Sports Minister, " the source said.

Later, the establishment build Sharif's political image but since political sentiments were high after Bhutto's execution and Bhutto ladies were in exile, a Sindhi politician, Mohammad Khan Junejo was made the Prime Minister after non-party based elections.

A section of Pakistani left and progressives also backed Sharif as they believe that through industrialization feudalism would get weaker and pave way for progressive politics and strengthen democracy. 

Junejo lost Zia's confidence after Geneva Accord, and the establishment got him sacked. This paved way for Sharif to get control over Muslim League, it paid off with the support of General Zia and former ISI chief Lt. General Hameed Gul.

Zia first held referendum in 1984 to get some legitimacy and later elections on non-party based, in a bid to keep PPP out of politics and secondly to have weak democratic system.

When Benazir decided to end her exile, Zia never thought she would get such a reception. It scared both Zia and Gul, and this led to the formation of Islami Jamohri Ittehad, IJI led by Nawaz Sharif.   

After 1988, Sharifs never looked back and till 1990, Sharifs and the establishment were hand in hand against PPP, to dilute Bhutto's myth. He was brought parralel to Benazir as national leader while he was the Chief Minister. Later, he was made President of IJI, the brain child of former ISI chief, Gen. Hameed Gul.

First crack between Sharif and establishment came when he did not back ohis mentor Gen. Gul, as army chief. 

However, credit goes to Sharif, that he turned PML-N, a traditionally pro-establishment party into a political party and during nine years of Gen. Musharraf resisted the establishment pressure.

Being a politician from Punjab, luck also favours him, time and again. But, experience and anti-establishment stance during Musharraf's era also brought him and Benazir close to an extent that they signed historic, 'Charter of Democracy,' in 2006.

Sharif was also lucky that in 1993 the Supreme Court restored his government, which was dismissed on corruption charges, but, in 1990 and 1996, it did not restore PPP government, sacked on the same charges. However, he remained unlucky that in 2001, SC in Zafar Ali Shah's case gave legitimacy to Musharraf's coup.

Mian Sahib practically went unchallenged particularly in Punjab, before the rise of man from Mianwali, Imran Khan. It took him 20 years to get recognition as a national leader and that too from Punjab, despite having a huge Pashtoon following. 

How far has Imran Khan led PTI been able to cause a dent in the strong constituency of the powerful Sharifs, depends on the outcome of the Panama Case, but some senior PML-N leaders believe that even if decision goes against them, the party will sweep the polls.

" In 2008, elections when Mian Sahib was disqualified we fought and won Punjab on Mian Sahib's photograph. I am sure we will win the legal battle but are ready to accept any decision of the Supreme Court, and rest assured PML-N, would not lose Punjab,' a senior PML(N) leader told this writer, on condition of anonymity. 

National politics has now completely switched to Punjab, particularly after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in 2007 PPP could not regain Punjab. Infact in 2013, it completely lost the province in a most humiliating manner.

Thus, in a way rise of Imran Khan in 2011, is considered by many political pundits as good omen for Pakistan, for different reasons. In the absence of Benazir, the country needed an alternate political leader and ideally, someone from Punjab.

Imran had grabbed the political opportunity and exploited PPP's bad governance and Sharif's corruption as issues. Imran's rise came as a result of continuity of democracy and if it continues it may also break the strong biradri system.

Drug overdose caused death of university student in Lahore: post-mortem report

Lahore (Awesome Newa): Student found dead in a dormitory room at a private university in Lahore on Tuesday had overdosed on drugs, post-mortem report has shown. The body of the student, identified as Shameer Asif, was handed over to his heirs after the post-mortem, police said. His heirs have left for Karachi with the body, police added.

The hostel administration, after finding the dead body, had called police. According to police, Shameer was a resident of Karachi. The deceased was a fifth semester student, taking courses in Finance and Accounting. His room was searched and some of his personal belongings and cigarettes were sent to lab for examination, police informed.

Key Baldia Factory fire accused Rahman Bhola remanded in police custody

KARACHI: An anti-terrorism court on Wednesday remanded key accused of Baldia Factory fire Abdul Rahman alias Bhola in police custody till December 19.

The court ordered that an SP rank police official be appointed for investigation into the case.

Rahman alias Bhola is one of the main accused in Baldia factory inferno case, which claimed more than 250 lives.

Rahman pleaded not guilty in the court. "The allegations hurled at me are false. Asghar Baig had set the factory on fire," he said.

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) brought Abdul Rahman to Karachi from Bangkok on Tuesday.

A two-member FIA team went to Thailand on Sunday to get custody of Abdul Rahman. After reaching Thailand the team requested access to Bhola, who was under treatment at a hospital of Bangkok prison for having kidney problems.

The FIA had constituted a two-member team comprising Deputy Director Badar Baloch and Inspector Rehmatullah Domki for Bhola's extradition to Pakistan, sources had informed. The team arrived in Thailand along with documents and legal records pertaining to the Baldia factory tragedy, for taking custody of Rahman alias Bhola.

Earlier in his initial statement to the Interpol in Bangkok, Bhola had maintained himself as a 'political worker affiliated with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement,' sources within the Federal Investigation Agency had told Geo News. Bhola was on the run since four years.

He was rounded up from Bangkok by the Interpol on December 03, upon the request of Pakistani authorities. 

On November 28 during hearing of the Baldia factory fire case, an anti-terrorism court had grilled authorities for not being able to arrest Hammad Siddiqui and Rahman alias Bhola. The court had ordered the interior ministry to arrest fugitives with the help of Interpol.

In September 2012, a deadly fire devoured over 250 lives at a factory situated in Karachi's Baldia Town. Subsequent investigations led to revelations that the factory was deliberately set ablaze over non-payment of extortion money.

Tracing Rahman alias Bhola's trail from Karachi to Bangkok

Abdul Rahman alias Bhola arrested in Bangkok by Interpol was an illegal immigrant, Geo News had learnt. Abdul Rahman travelled to Bangkok from Malaysia aided by human smugglers.

Forty-seven-year old Abdur Rahman made his first passport in 2009 on which he traveled to Dubai. Immediately after the Baldia Factory fire incident Rahman got a residence visa for Dubai. In June 2014, a new passport was issued from Dubai. This passport is valid till January 2019.

PSP, MQM-Pakistan deny links to Rahman

Paksarzameen Party and MQM Pakistan in separate statements had refuted allegations that Rahman was once associated with their parties.

MQM-P leader Rauf Siddiqui speaking to journalists in Karachi said that he could neither accept nor deny that Rahman was associated to MQM. 

Whereas, PSP Chief Mustafa Kamal, speaking to journalists in Lahore said that Rahman was not a member of his party. "He was arrested from outside Pakistan. He was never part of PSP," he said.

Could the electoral college dump Trump?

On 8 November Donald Trump was declared the winner of the US presidential election. His victory, however, won't be official until 19 December, when the 538 members of the electoral college gather in state capitals across the US to formally cast their ballots for the next president.

The electoral college vote is a vestigial constitutional organ - a political appendix - that in practice has amounted to little more than a rubber stamp for the president-elect. The year 2016 seems determined to continue breaking rules and norms right up until its last day, however, so of course there's now a movement among some electors to challenge this status quo - and the Clinton team just gave a wink and a nod of approval to their efforts.

On Monday John Podesta, the chair of the Clinton campaign, issued a statement saying that they supported a request by 10 electoral college voters - nine Democrats and one Republican - to receive a briefing from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on evidence that the Russian government meddled in the US presidential election.

"The bipartisan electors' letter raises very grave issues involving our national security," Podesta, himself a victim of the alleged Russian hacking, writes. "Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution, and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed."

Those electors are part of a manoeuvre they say was endorsed by founding father Alexander Hamilton, who wrote that a core purpose of the electoral college was to serve as a constitutional failsafe to prevent unqualified candidates or those under the influence of "foreign powers" from becoming president.

As justification for their request they point to the revelation last Friday that the US intelligence community has evidence that Russian hackers specifically targeted communications by Democratic Party and Clinton campaign officials in an attempt to aid Mr Trump's election.

"Trump's willingness to disregard conclusions made by the intelligence community and his continuing defence of Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin demand close scrutiny and deliberation from the electoral college," the 10 electors write in an open letter to Mr Clapper.

Any hope of swaying enough electors to hand the presidency to Mrs Clinton or a more moderate Republican (Ohio Governor John Kasich, for example) is the longest of long-shots. Although one Republican from Texas, Chris Suprun, has said he won't vote for Mr Trump, another 36 would have to break ranks to drop the Republican below the 270-vote threshold necessary for victory.

That isn't happening, writes the Atlantic's Garrett Epps.

"I don't think the Founding Fathers somehow 'intended' the electors to function in this situation as wise elders," he writes. "If they did, I think the electoral college would operate far differently. The electors never meet, they don't debate, they vote only once, and they disappear. To me, that's not a deliberative body; that's a protection for states that choose to disfranchise their people."

Complicating matters further is the fact 29 states have laws that require presidential electors to support the candidate who wins a plurality of votes in their state. Two Democratic electors in Colorado are challenging the legality of those laws in court - a move that's being opposed by the Trump campaign.

The lawsuit "threatens to undermine the many laws in other states that sensibly bind their electors' votes to represent the will of the citizens, undermining the electoral college in the process", writes a Trump campaign lawyer in a request to participate in the Colorado case.

That is a measured response compared to what is likely to come from Mr Trump himself, once he offers his inevitable counterpunch on Twitter. He's already likened the allegations of Russian electoral meddling to a conspiracy theory and has said that the push for vote recounts in three key swing states to find evidence of tampering, which the Clinton campaign also is supporting, is a scam and a waste of time and money.

Beneath all of this sound and fury is the reality that Mr Trump enters the White House with very tenuous claims to a presidential mandate. He trails Mrs Clinton in the popular vote by 2.8 million votes, his Electoral College margin is modest by historical standards, and he has some of the lowest approval ratings of any president-elect.

Mr Trump and his team have clearly decided that any investigations into whether there were foreign attempts to meddle with the election, either through the ballot box or via email hacking, must be aggressively challenged no matter how unlikely they are to succeed.

With Podesta's move, the Democrats open themselves up to charges that they're sore losers - and with only a week before the electoral college votes, any efforts to block Mr Trump's path to the presidency are almost certainly hopeless.

They could prompt an overreaction from Mr Trump and his team, however, and set them at odds with Republicans in Congress who have called for a closer look into Russia's activities.

Anything that knocks the president-elect off his stride and foments dissent in Republican ranks could be viewed by Democrats as a win, and at this point they'll likely take whatever they can get.

Seven die due to fog-related accidents in Punjab

LAHORE (Awesome News) - At least seven people were killed and several injured in various accidents due to fog in several cities of Punjab. 

Three people were killed when a motorcycle clashed with a donkey cart in Burewala while two dead in another accident in Gujrawala’s Ratta Jheel area.

The deceased Shaukat and Umair were the residents of Talondi Moosa Khan.

Two motorcycle riders also lost their life due to fog at Sahiwal’s Naiwala Road.

According to details, zero visibility was witnessed in several cities of Punjab as motorway was temporarily closed at Lahore, Sheikhupura, Pindi Bhattian, Faisalabad and Gojra.

Traffic situation went out of control in Gujranwala and on a standstill at National Highway.

Motorway police has advised the citizens to drive slowly and use fog lights

Fog has also disturbed the daily-life activities in Pattoki, Okara, Sahiwal, Toba Tek Singh and Mian Channu.

Many flights were delayed after flight operation was suspended in Lahore, Faisalabad, Sialkot and Multan.