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Tuesday 24 January 2017


Secret Service Mission By Mazhar Kaleem M.A (Imran Series)


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Girl: Hey Baby, Happy Birthday... 

Boy: thank u shona...  :)

Girl: I'll be at your house at 7:30PM

Boy: Okay baby, Promise?

Girl: Yeah, I promise. I love you so much.. no matter what happens.

Boy: I love you too. I am going to cook for our dinner :)

Girl: okay baby.

(Exactly 7:30, girl does not arrive...1 hour goes by 8:30 and the girl arrives....).

: hey babe.. What took you so long?

Girl: *hugs him*, Sorry. There was a lot of traffic.

Boy: Its okay as long as u are here...

I bet you're hungry. They went to dinner and ate and talked...

*Boy phone rings*
*Its the girls mom*

Boy: hello

Girls mom: ( crying ) son, I have to tell u something I am in the
hospital right now my daughter just passed out.

Boy: ha? What are u talking about?

Girls mom: (crying) she was in a car crash a "hour ago" she did not make it. .
Boy: "shocked" looks at his girl.

The girl is in the dark holding a candle saying.

"Baby, I did not break my promise.. Always Be Happy Honey.. I am always with you..."

Trump listens to Holy Quran recitation during inaugural service

WASHINGTON (Web Desk) - United States president Donald Trump on Saturday attended an inter-faith religious service at Washington National Cathedral and listen the recitation of the Holy Quran.

Religious leaders from various faiths were invited to recite prayers at the ceremony.

Religious leaders from various faiths were invited to recite prayers at the ceremony which was part of Trump’s three-day inauguration event.

All Dulles Area Muslim Society executive director Imam Mohamed Magid who was likely to give the call to prayer, recited two verses from the Holy Quran instead.

“O humankind, We have created you from a single male and female (Adam and Eve) and made you into nations and tribes and communities, that you may know each other. Really, the most honored of you in the sight of God is the one most righteous of you, and God has full knowledge and is the one acquainted with all thanks.” 

“And among the signs of God is the creation of heaven and earth, and the variation in your languages and your colors. Verily, in that are signs for those who know,” read the imam.

Trump was sitting alongside his wife Melania and the family of Vice President Mike Pence in the ceremony.

Donald Trump became the 45th president of United States on Friday, ushering in a new political era that is cheered and feared in equal measure.

The 70-year-old Republican billionaire placed his left hand on a bible used by Abraham Lincoln and recited the 35-word oath spoken since George Washington, and then launched into a much-anticipated inaugural address.

ISIS sets USD 1 million reward for killing Kurdish lady fighter

RAQQA: (News2World) – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has set a reward of one million US dollars for killing Kurdish lady fighter Joanna Palani, reported Express News World.

22-year-old Joanna Palani kept fighting ISIS for several months along with the Kurdish officials in Iraq and Syria. ISIS has directed its fighters and supporters to kill Palani.

Denmark national Joanna Palani has recently returned to her home country after fighting ISIS for several months. Denmark officials seized her passport upon return and started a secret trial against her in the court.

Published by: Dunya News

Children head back to school in east Mosul: UN

BAGHDAD (AFP) - Thousands of Iraqi children are heading back to school in east Mosul after weeks of fighting and more than two years of militant rule, the UN children’s fund UNICEF said Tuesday.

Iraqi forces launched a massive operation to recapture Mosul from the Daesh group 100 days ago and have ousted the militants from all the central neighbourhoods of east Mosul.

But while returning to school is a good start, recovery will likely be a long process for Iraqi children exposed to bloody urban warfare that followed Daesh efforts to indoctrinate the next generation.

"As fighting subsides in east Mosul, 30 schools reopened on Sunday with help from UNICEF, allowing over 16,000 children to resume their education," it said in a statement.

"Some schools in the area were closed for up to two years, and girls were banned from getting an education," it said.
"After the nightmare of the past two years, this is a pivotal moment for the children of Mosul to reclaim their education and their hope for a better future," UNICEF’s Iraq representative Peter Hawkins said.

Daesh overran large areas north and west of Baghdad in 2014, but Iraqi forces have since recaptured much of the territory they lost.

During more than two and a half years of rule in Iraq, the militant group sought to indoctrinate children into its extremist ideology, using schools as part of its efforts to do so.

It has also featured children in propaganda videos that showed them in Daesh "training" and classroomindoctrination, as well as being used as executioners.

Iraqi forces launched the Mosul operation on October 17 and have made rapid gains on the city’s eastern side this month, but the west still remains under Daesh control.

Raheel Sharif allotted 868-kanal land worth Rs1.35 bn in Lahore

LAHORE: Former Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif has been allotted 868 kanals and 10 marlas of land (about 90 acres) on Bedian Road Lahore, and not just 482 kanals, through the Border Area Committee, reliable sources have disclosed. 

The total value of the allotted land is estimated at around Rs1.35 billion. Sources said that Raheel Sharif has been allotted 50 acres of land under his prerogative as a four-star general, and another 40 acres as the chief of army staff. The land is situated in Mauza Rukh Bathant, located along western side of BRB Canal, adjacent to  Mauza Heear. 

According to the Fard Malkiat (Record of Rights), the Cantt Revenue authorities received the Mutation (Intiqal) orders from the Border Area Committee vide letter No 17408 on Dec 24, 2014 for allotment of the said lands. After entry of the mutation order, the Cantt establishment officer allowed allotment of the lands on Dec 29, 2014. Under Part (copy of government record) No 140805, Serial No 4, Khata (Holding of a Tenant) No 5/15, 43/15, and 108/15, three hundred and eighty-six (386) kanals of land was allotted. Also, under Part No 140811, Serial No 5, Khata No 15/15, 3/151 and 369/15, four hundred and eighty-two kanals and ten marlas of land was allotted. Collectively, this land measures about 90 acres of land, which has been allotted to ex-COAS General Raheel Sharif. 

The process of allotment of agricultural lands, commercial plots, DHA lands and distribution of other facilities among the army officers and officials is carried out directly by the General Headquarters (GHQ) through an adjutant general, whose rank is equal to a lieutenant general. Also, a major-general ranked officer heads the Welfare Directorate at the GHQ, who acts as the director-general (DG) of the Welfare Directorate. He conveys the GHQ orders to the respective chairmen of the Border Area Committees in this regard, and ensures implementation of the orders. 

All the Border Area Committees across the country have the record of all lands situated along the borders in different villages (Mauza Jaat). All decisions that how much lands would be allotted to an army officer or official are made at the GHQ, which are directly conveyed to the respective chairmen of the Border Area Committees, after approval from the Welfare Directorate. 

There are different border area committees comprising various zones in the border areas. Headed by a brigadier or colonel, the committee has an assistant commissioner as its civil member. A revenue officer (tehsildar) and his staff assist the committee.

The land allotment to Gen Raheel has been executed by the Border Area Committee Lahore. Its chairman, Colonel Tabish Sajid, refused to comment when contacted for information about the land allotment policy. Civil member of the committee, Sardar Farrukh Tufail, also did not say anything.

Commenting on the land allotment policy, a senior official of the Board of Revenue said, requesting anonymity, that the provincial board of revenue does not have any authority in this regard. The revenue board allots land on the records of the provincial government to the military officials on a directive received from the GHQ in the light of a letter issued by the chairman of the border area committee concerned.

It is worth mentioning here that the lands situated along borders are part of the provincial land records, but the establishment officers have no authority over the lands situated up to five kilometers along the border. The revenue officer said that the district collector is conveyed the land allotment orders through the Board of Revenue. Then the establishment officer concerned, acting as the collector, approves the allotment of lands. The establishment officer is legally bound to implement the orders of Border Area Committee chairman, and thus he confirms the completion of the allotment process. 

An estate agent working in the area said that the price of one acre land along Bedian Road in the said village was estimated at Rs10 million to Rs10.5 million. 

Another agent, Haji Zahid bin Sadiq, said that the price of lands in border areas depended on location of the lands. He said people demand Rs6-7 million for one acre of land near BRB Canal. However, Imran Ahmad, another estate agent, said the price of one acre land ranges between Rs9 to 10 million.

A property dealer told The News that after development the worth of this land would be about Rs2.5 billion. Another property dealer, however, said the worth of the land after development would be over Rs4 billion.

Originally published in The News 

Pakistan conducts successful test of surface-to-surface 'Ababeel' missile

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan on Tuesday conducted successful test flight of surface-to-surface ballistic missile (SSBM) 'Ababeel' having a range of 2200 kilometers, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The missile is capable of carrying nuclear warheads, while it can engage multiple targets with high precision, defeating enemy radars, the ISPR said in a statement.

Ababeel is capable of delivering multiple warheads, with the help of Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology, it read.

The test flight was aimed at validating various designs and technical parameters of the weapon system.

he weapon system aims to ensure survivability of Pakistan's ballistic missiles in growing regional Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) environment. Besides, it will further reinforce deterrence.

The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, Chief of Army Staff, Chief of Naval Staff and the Air Chief all congratulated the scientists and engineers on successful test.

President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also conveyed their appreciation to the team behind successful missile and the armed forces of Pakistan on this landmark achievement.

China hits back at US over South China Sea claims

China has asserted its "indisputable sovereignty" over parts of the South China Sea after the Trump administration vowed to prevent China from taking territory in the region.

The Chinese foreign ministry said Beijing would "remain firm to defend its rights in the region".

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Monday the US would "make sure we protect our interests there".

Barack Obama's administration refused to take sides in the dispute.

It did, however, send B-52 bombers and a naval destroyer last year, and the then US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke out over what he called "an increase of militarisation from one kind or another" in the region.

Several nations claim territory in the resource-rich South China Sea, which is also an important shipping route.

The new US president has taken a tough stance against China, and Mr Spicer told reporters "the US is going to make sure we protect our interests" in the South China Sea.

"If those islands are, in fact, in international waters and not part of China proper, yeah, we'll make sure we defend international interests from being taken over by another country," he said, without giving further details.

The Chinese government responded by saying that the US was "not a party to the South China Sea issue".

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said China was "committed to peaceful negotiations with all countries concerned" in the dispute, and said it "respects the principles of freedom of navigation and over-flight in international waters".

But, she went on: "Our position is clear. Our actions have been lawful."

'Devastating confrontation'

Mr Spicer's comments echo those of Donald Trump's new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

During his nomination hearing, Mr Tillerson said the US should block access to islands being built by China in the South China Sea, likening it to Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

"We're going to have to send China a clear signal that first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed," he told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The Chinese state media responded by warning that such actions would lead to a "devastating confrontation".

Oscar nominations 2017: What to look out for

This year's Oscar nominations are due out later, with La La Land likely to land as the clear frontrunner.

The modern musical romance has swept film fans off their feet, and its stars Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are expected to be among the nominees.

The question is - how many nominations will the film get in total, and can it equal the Oscars record of 14?

Titanic and All About Eve currently share that record, while Mary Poppins is the most nominated musical with 13.

Britain's Supreme Court rules against PM Theresa May’s Brexit plans

LONDON: The UK Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Theresa May must get parliament's approval before she begins Britain's formal exit from the European Union.

The UK's highest judicial body dismissed the government's argument that May could simply use executive powers known as "royal prerogative" to invoke Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty and begin two years of divorce talks.

However, the court rejected arguments that the UK's devolved assemblies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales should give their assent before Article 50 is invoked.

"The referendum is of great political significance, but the Act of Parliament which established it did not say what should happen as a result," said David Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court which ruled by 8-3 against the government.

"So any change in the law to give effect to the referendum must be made in the only way permitted by the UK constitution, namely by an Act of Parliament."

May has repeatedly said she would trigger Article 50 before the end of March but she will now have to seek the consent of lawmakers first, potentially meaning her plans could be amended or delayed, although the main opposition Labour Party has said it would not slow her timetable.

Last week May set out her stall for negotiations, promising a clean break with the world's largest trading block as part of a 12-point plan to focus on global free trade deals, setting out a course for a so-called "hard Brexit".

Sterling initially rose on the news that the government had lost its appeal, but it then fell over half a cent to hit day's lows against the dollar and euro after the court ruled that Britain's devolved assemblies did not need to give their assent to triggering Article 50. Sterling last traded down 0.6 percent on the day at $1.2463.