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Thursday 12 January 2017

Indian police personnel complains of facilities' dearth in department

NEW DELHI (News92World) – After an Indian Border Security (BSF) soldier exposed the corruption in army, a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) constable also came in the limelight when he posted a videocomplaining of the scarcity of facilities in the department.

The constable, Jeet Singh from Sahjua Thok village in Mathura district pleaded Prime Minister Modi to resolve the matter at the earliest.
“Despite being in service for 20 years, CRPF personnels neither receive medical notr any pension however; all such facilities are provided to the army. We are also not given any ex-servicemen quota,” Singh laments in the video.
Before this, BSF soldier complaint of the low quality food provided to them despite tough duty hours.

دپیکا ، کترینہ کیساتھ لفٹ میں پھنسنے سے بہتر ہے خودکشی کرلوں :کرینہ

کرینہ کپور نے ساتھی اداکارہ دپیکا پڈوکون اور کترینہ کیف کے ساتھ لفٹ میں سفر کرنے اور پھنسنے کی نسبت موت کو ترجیح دیدی۔

ممبئی(روزنامہ دنیا) بالی ووڈ اداکارہ کرینہ کپور نے کہا ہے کہ دپیکا اور کترینہ کے ساتھ لفٹ میں پھنسنے سے اچھاہو گا کہ میں خودکشی کر لوں۔
تفصیلات کے مطابق کرینہ کپور نے ساتھی اداکارہ دپیکا پڈوکون اور کترینہ کیف کے ساتھ لفٹ میں سفر کرنے اور پھنسنے کی نسبت موت کو ترجیح دیدی۔
معروف ڈائریکٹر کرن جوہر نے اپنے پروگرام میں ان سے پوچھا کہ اگر وہ کترینہ کیف اور دپیکا کیساتھ لفٹ میں پھنس جائیں تو کس کو ترجیح دیں گی تو انہوں نے مسکراتے ہوئے جواب دیا ’’میرا خیال ہے کہ میں ایسے میں خودکشی کرلوں گی ‘‘۔

Trump lashes out over 'phony' Russia dossier claim

NEW YORK: Donald Trump attacked US intelligence agencies and the media on Wednesday as he denied explosive allegations about his ties to Russia, but admitted for the first time that Moscow had likely meddled in the US election.

Just over a week before he takes office, Trump said he had ceded “complete” managing control of his global property empire to his two adult sons but stopped short of making a full divestment, earning a swift rebuke from an ethics watchdog and Democratic Party opponents.
“It doesn’t meet the standards that the best of his nominees are meeting and that every president in the last four decades has met,” said Walter Shaub, director of the Office of Government Ethics. “He needs to get rid of his business interests and he needs to put them in what’s called a blind trust,” Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren told Bloomberg TV.
But the hour-long press conference, his first in six months, focused firmly on the unsubstantiated claims that his aides colluded with the Kremlin to win the US election, and that Russia has compromising information on Trump.
The president-elect accused CNN of generating “fake news” and slammed BuzzFeed as “a failing pile of garbage” after it published a dossier with the allegedly incriminating material, drawn up by a former British intelligence agent hired to do “opposition research” on Trump.
“It’s all fake news. It’s phony stuff. It didn’t happen,” he said, referring to allegations of lurid behavior in a Moscow hotel room.
The 70-year old Republican billionaire suggested it may have been released by the intelligence agencies, which would be a “tremendous blot on their record.”
Trump dodged questions about whether his campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence, instead tearing into reporters whose outlets reported on the allegations of the existence of compromising material.
“I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news,” he told a CNN reporter, igniting a fresh raft of questions about his respect for constitutional guarantees about the free press.
The US intelligence community concluded Moscow interfered in the November election in a bid to tip the race in Trump’s favor. But intelligence chiefs last week presented Trump, as well as President Barack Obama, with a two-page synopsis on the potentially embarrassing but unsubstantiated allegations involving Russia, according to CNN and The New York Times.
US intelligence chief James Clapper late Wednesday expressed his “profound dismay” to Trump over the leaks. “This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday,” Clapper said.
“I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,” he said, adding that he did not believe that the US intelligence community was the source.
Even before the new allegations became public, Democrats and Trump’s Republican allies had become increasingly uneasy about Russia’s role in the election, with calls for an independent investigation growing.
The Kremlin Denies
The Kremlin has dismissed the dossier as a “total fake” aimed at damaging bilateral ties.
Trump began the press conference muted and disciplined, but became increasingly agitated as questions piled up. “I have no dealings with Russia. I have no deals in Russia. I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because we’ve stayed away. And I have no loans with Russia,” Trump said.
The president-elect finally admitted for the first time that he believes Moscow likely meddled in the US election. But while secretary of state-designate Rex Tillerson, also seen as close to Moscow, called Russia a “danger” during his confirmation hearing, Trump may have fanned the flames by downplaying Moscow’s role.
“As far as hacking, I think it was Russia, but I also think we’ve been hacked by other countries, other people,” he said. Trump aides bristle at the suggestion that Russia weighed in behind Trump, seeing it as an effort to de-legitimise his election victory.
Trump again refused to back away from his openness towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset, not a liability,” Trump said. “I don’t know that I’m going to get along with Vladimir Putin. I hope I do. But there’s a good chance I won’t.”
Without corroborating its contents, BuzzFeed published a 35-page dossier of memos on which the synopsis reportedly presented to Trump is based. The memos, which had been circulating in Washington for months, describe sex videos involving prostitutes filmed during a 2013 visit by Trump to a luxury Moscow hotel, supposedly as a potential means for blackmail.
They also suggest Russian officials proposed lucrative deals in order to win influence over the real estate magnate.
“The Kremlin does not have compromising information on Trump,” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

PM not answerable for son's business: counsel

ISLAMABAD (News92World): Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s counsel on Thursday told the Supreme Court that the premier is not answerable to anyone for his son’s business.

During his arguments, PM Nawaz’s counsel Makhdoom Ali Khan contended before a five-bench larger bench hearing the Panamagate case that no law can hold the premier questionable for his son’s business. “PM Nawaz was not a shareholder in Gulf Steel Mills,” Khan upheld.
However, Justice Asif Saeed Khosa observed that none of the records submitted in SC suggest PM Nawaz was not a shareholder. While the counsel argued that the premier did not lie before the Parliament, he admitted that there were some omissions in PM Nawaz’s speech.
“PM Nawaz only gave an overview of his business in the speech, however, there were some omissions in it,” the counsel stated. Meanwhile, Justice Khosa observed that PM Nawaz had failed to give a reference about Qatari investments in his speech. “If there were some omissions in PM Nawaz’s speech, should it be termed as a lie or half truth?” he observed.
“What implication will Article 66 have, which states proceedings of the parliament cannot be challenged by any court of law,” Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan questioned.
Earlier, the apex court made it clear that it does not need consent of the rival parties for forming a judicial commission to further probe the Panama Papers scandal. “The Supreme Court bench does not need consent of the parties to form a judicial commission in the matter,” Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, who heads the Supreme Court’s five-judge larger bench hearing the Panamagate case, said on Wednesday.

US Virgin Islands paying people to visit them this year

The US Virgin Islands are paying tourists to visit its beautiful beaches this year in celebration of its 100th anniversary of being part of the United States.

All you need to do is book the trip through the island’s tourism website before October 1 and stay at a participating hotel on one of the main islands of Saint Croix, Saint John and Saint Thomas. You will be given $300 to spend on a range of tours and activities, including kayaking and diving, CNBC reported.
December, January and February tend to be peak seasons for tourists and flights are offered from the east coast. Tourists visiting the islands on March 31 will also receive a souvenir in honour of “transfer day,” which celebrates the centennial of Denmark selling the islands to the US.
The Caribbean islands are located to the south east of Florida, have a population of just over 100,000 and are classified as a “Non-Self-Governing Territory” by the United Nations. It should be noted, however, that the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a travel notice for the area to anyone who is pregnant or expecting to become pregnant due to the Zika virus. 
This article originally appeared on Independent.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

پاکستان کا میزائل سسٹم دنیا میں تیسرے نمبر پر

پاکستانی ماہرین کی جانب سے تیار کیا جانے والا نصر میزائل ایسا نیوکلیئر میزائل ہے جو امریکہ کے پاس بھی نہیں :ثمر مبارک مند
لاہور (دنیا نیوز) ایٹمی سائنسدان ڈاکٹر ثمر مبارک مند نے کہا ہے کہ امریکہ اور روس کے بعد پاکستان کا میزائل سسٹم تیسرے نمبر پر ہے ۔ ایک تقریب سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ نصر میزائل ایسا نیوکلیئر میزائل ہے جو امریکہ کے پاس بھی نہیں ، پاکستانی قوم کا اصل چہرہ باصلاحیت نوجوان ہیں ۔ ہمارا وطن عزیز دنیا کی چھٹی ایٹمی طاقت ہے ، دشمن پاکستان کے خلاف مہم جوئی سے پہلے ہزار بار سوچتا ہے ۔

Obama says goodbye in last presidential speech

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Barack Obama closes the book on his presidency Tuesday, with a farewell speech in Chicago that will try to lift supporters shaken by Donald Trump s shock election.

Obama s last trip on Air Force One will be a pilgrimage to his adoptive hometown, where he will address a sell-out crowd not far from where he delivered his victory speech eight years ago.

"For Michelle and me, Chicago is where it all started. It s the city that showed us the power and fundamental goodness of the American people," Obama said in a Facebook post previewing his remarks.

Diehard fans -- many African Americans -- have braved Chicago s frigid winter to collect free tickets, which now sell for upwards of $1,000 a piece on Craigslist.

Aside from First Lady Michelle Obama, the Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden will also come along for the ride.

Obama s cross-country trek would be a sentimental trip down memory lane, were it not slap-bang in the middle of a tumultuous presidential handover.

Trump has smashed conventions, vowed to efface Obama s legacy and hurled personal insults left and right.

The 2016 election campaign has raised serious questions about the resilience of US democracy.

In a virtually unprecedented move, US intelligence has accused the Kremlin of seeking to tip the electoral scales in Trump s favor.

Democrats, cast into the political wilderness with the loss of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives plus a majority of statehouses, are struggling to regroup.

With an approval rating hovering around 55 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, Obama will hope to steel them for new battles ahead.

Some 51 percent of Americans polled believe that Trump is doing a bad job as president-elect.

Obama s lead speechwriter Cody Keenan said the address will be about a vision for where the country should go.

"It s not going to be like an anti-Trump speech, it s not going to be a red meat, rabble rousing thing, it will be statesman-like but it will also be true to him," Keenan told AFP. "It will tell a story."

As Obama put it: "Over the course of my life, I ve been reminded time and again that change can happen -- that ordinary people can come together to achieve extraordinary things."

"And I ve seen that truth up close over these last eight years."

Trump s unorthodox politics has thrown 55-year-old Obama s transition and post-presidency plans into flux.

Having vowed a smooth handover of power, Obama finds himself being increasingly critical of Trump as he prepares to leave office on January 20.

After that there will still be a holiday and an autobiography, but Obama could find himself being dragged backed into the political fray if Trump were to enact a Muslim registry or deport adults brought to the United States years ago by their parents.

Having vowed to take a backseat in politics, Obama s second act could yet be as politically engaged as Jimmy Carter -- whose post-presidency has remade his image as an elder statesman.

Many Obama aides who had planned to take exotic holidays or launch coffer-replenishing forays into the private sector are also reassessing their future and mulling a return to the political trenches.

Obama s foundation is already gearing up for a quasi-political role -- funneling idealistic youngsters into public life.

Presidents since George Washington have delivered a farewell address of sorts.

Washington s final 7,641-word message -- which is still read once a year in the Senate by tradition -- contained warnings about factionalism and interference by foreign powers that seem oddly prescient.

But speechwriter Keenan sees few obvious templates: "Bush and Clinton did theirs from here (the White House), George H.W. Bush went to West Point, gave a foreign policy speech," he told AFP. "They are all totally different."

The trip to Chicago about more than nostalgia, Keenan indicated.

"The thread that has run though his career from his days as community organizer to the Oval Office is the idea that if you get ordinary people together and get them educated, get them empowered, get them to act on something, that s when good things happen," he said.

"For him, as someone who started as a community organizer, whose campaign was powered by young people, ordinary people, we decided we wanted to go back to Chicago."

"Chicago is not just his hometown, it s where his career started."

And now it is also where Obama s presidential career will effectively end.

Jury condemns Dylann Roof to death for South Carolina church massacre

CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - White supremacist Dylann Roof deserves to die for the hate-fueled killings of nine black churchgoers at a Bible study meeting in a Charleston, South Carolina, a U.S. jury said on Tuesday after deliberating for less than three hours.

The same jury last month found Roof, 22, guilty of 33 federal charges, including hate crimes resulting in death, for the shocking mass shooting at the landmark Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015.

Roof, who represented himself and did not argue against the death penalty, showed no emotion as the verdict was read.

Prosecutors said he planned the shooting for months, intending to incite racial violence by targeting the oldest African-American congregation in the U.S. South.

“He decided the day, the hour and the moment that my sister was going to die, and now someone is going to do the same for him," Melvin Graham, brother of shooting victim Cynthia Hurd, 54, said outside the federal courthouse in the heart of historic Charleston’s downtown district.

Roof will be formally sentenced on Wednesday. He also faces the death penalty if convicted of murder charges in a pending state trial.

Whether he was competent to serve as his own attorney will be a fundamental issue in the appeals process, Robert Dunham, executive director of the Washington-based nonprofit Death Penalty Information Center, said in a telephone interview.

Roof did not present any evidence during the penalty phase that began last week or allow jurors to hear details about his mental health. Dunham said defense lawyers likely will use the trial to show appellate judges that mental illness prevented him from adequately representing himself.

"We are sorry that, despite our best efforts, the legal proceedings have shed so little light on the reasons for this tragedy," Roof’s lawyers, who represented him for the guilt phase, said in a statement.

Roof was unrepentant during his short closing argument, telling jurors he still felt the massacre was something he had to do.

"Anyone who hates anything has good reason for it," he said. "I have a right to ask you to give me a life sentence, but I’m not sure what good that will do anyone."

On June 17, 2015, Roof sat for 40 minutes with parishioners gathered for a Bible study meeting before opening fire as they closed their eyes to pray, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Richardson said in his final statement to jurors.

Roof pulled the trigger 75 times as he methodically killed Hurd; Clementa Pinckney, 41, the church’s pastor and a state senator; DePayne Middleton Doctor, 49; Sharonda Coleman Singleton, 45; Susie Jackson, 87; Ethel Lance, 70; Myra Thompson, 59; Daniel Simmons Sr., 74; and Tywanza Sanders, 26.

Jurors heard four days of heartrending testimony from more than 20 of the victims’ loved ones, who described their legacies of faith and the devastation wrought by Roof’s brutality.

"What’s wrong here is the calculated racism, the choice to target a church, particularly the people in a church," Richardson told jurors. "What’s wrong here is precisely why this is a case that justifies the death penalty." 

Pakistan predicted to be world's fastest-growing Muslim economy in 2017

ISLAMABAD (APP)-Pakistan has been forecasted to be the world’s fastest-growing Muslim economy in 2017 ahead of Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Egypt, says “The Economist” magazine.

Pakistan’s estimated GDP growth “5.3%” is also ahead of 4% GDP growth of Israel, making Pakistan world’s fifth fastest-growing economy in the world, only behind India and China and two other countries.

The London-based Economist offers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business and finance.
The live data comprising global figures, is updated twice daily and is published on the Economist’s website in the form of an interactive table of economic and financial indicators. This data reinforces a Harvard University study which predicted Pakistan to grow by more than 5% in the next decade.

According to the interactive table the contrasting trends in Pakistan’s economy; “The Economist” in 2014 had forecast Pakistan to be world’s sixth fastest-growing economy. This year, the four world economies ahead of Pakistan are: India (7.5%), Vietnam (6.6%), China (6.4%), and Philippines (6.4%).

However, Pakistan is ahead of large Muslim economies such as: Indonesia (5.2%), Malaysia (4.6%), Egypt (4.0%), and Turkey (2.9%), according to the Economic and financial indicators of the magazine.

All of these countries except Malaysia are expected to be among the top 20 economies in the world in 2050, the Economist says. The Economist forecast follows a report by Bloomberg that termed Pakistan Stock Exchange as the 5th best performing stock market in 2016.